Learn more about our biohazard cleaning services

Dealing with a biohazardous scenario necessitates the involvement of specialists who possess the knowledge and skillset essential for ensuring the thorough decontamination and sanitation of the affected area.

Here at House Clearance Specialists, we have completed extensive training provided by the National Academy of Crime Scene Cleaners. This rigorous training equips us to adeptly manage various biohazard scenes in the vicinity of Nottingham, guaranteeing the delivery of a dependable and meticulous service.

Our specialised training empowers us to efficiently clean and dispose of biohazardous substances such as blood, vomit, faeces, needles, and other bodily fluids that may harbour bloodborne pathogens, posing potential harm to anyone exposed.

What’s more, our expertise assures the meticulous cleaning, sanitization, and eradication of any potential hazards within the area, rendering it safe and functional once more.

Beyond our biohazard cleaning services, our dedicated team is also readily available to assist with various other cleaning needs, including house clearance, hoarding house clearance, and more.

If you require any of our services, whether listed here or on our website, please take advantage of our contact form to provide us with the necessary information. Or, you can reach out to us directly by calling 0115 8470573.

Our team stands ready to provide you with the assistance you need, so don't hesitate to get in touch with us today.